Medical Flag Rules & Regulations
To obtain the privileges of using a Wildwood Green Golf Club medical flag, members and guests must have a state certified handicap parking permit. The use of a medical flag is a privilege and any misconduct or abusing the rules will result in suspension or loss of your medical flag privilege.
The Wildwood Green Golf Club Superintendent will decide if medical flags will be allowed on the golf course and if special rules need to be applied that day due to unforeseen circumstances.
Cart Procedures:
Carts may leave the cart path and travel on the golf course when necessary to go to your golf ball only. (Please use the 90 degree rule and try to avoid any wet areas or areas that carts may cause damage to).
Carts may travel in front of the black “return to path” posts but must maintain a 10 yard distance from the green in all directions. Carts must stay on the path around all the greens and tees and on all par 3’s.
If two golfers in the same group have medical flag privileges, they MUST ride together and eliminate the need for an extra golf cart.
1. First rule breach: Verbal warning from the golf shop and documentation.
2. Second rule breach: Written warning and documentation, suspension for 3 days.
3. Third rule breach: Documentation and suspension for 7 days.
4. Fourth rule breach: Suspension from the club for 30 days.